Friday, June 25, 2010

Better Late Than Never; Part the Third

Boring Canadian Culture Wars Episode 6: Return of the Coalition!

Wow.  Talk about a fast news cycle.  Before it even registers on me that people who call themselves Liberals were contemplating the idiocy of another coalition attempt, the Official Party Word is "No, I am not now nor have I ever been part of an NDP-Liberal coalition".  The leader of the YLC (Young Liberals of Canada), which is described by the Globe as being more radically progressive than the rest of the party, wanted this.  They wanted every progressive in Canada in one big happy tent made from unicorn giggles and rainbows, which would lead to the inevitable defeat of the amassed Frowny Conservative Horde.

Well, it won't fly.  Why?  Because Canadians are getting more conservative.  Trudeaupia has failed, and miserably.  Immigrants aren't becoming happy Liberals in droves, average Canadians outside of MTV don't live in terror of guns, and people are finally beginning to realize that maybe this whole "free healthcare" thing is the boondoggle of all boondoggles.  Not to mention, they are getting older.  What makes old people go conservative? They have more money, that's what.  They want to keep that money, so they can spoil their grandkids, own ridiculously large dogs, endlessly renovate their homes, and whatever other diabolical plots my father has in store for me.  Paying exhorbitant taxes so that Québécoise libertines can have 7 dollar a day childcare doesn't  really fit in for the average Ontarian Boomer.  Ironically enough, it doesn't work for Québécoise libertines either; the massive nanny-state that is Québec is also rife with nepotism.  Oddly, while your average socialist Québécois is on a waiting list for those fun social services, members of the Grandiloquently named National Assembly don't wait at all.  Neither do people with suspiciously Italian last names. I should get in on this.


From what I can glean from the Globe and Mail, Messrs. Ignatieff and Layton have chosen the dumbest of all possible options.  There will be no coalition before or during the election, but post-election should the math work out, they will coalesce (coalitionate? coaliscify?) and become Canada's New New Government.  Except that this is precisely the type of jiggery-pokery that annoys the hell out of Canadians.  It's like the Liberals and the NDP watch Conservative attack ads and internal memos and say "hey, that's a GREAT IDEA!"

It's a wonder anyone takes us seriously at all...

Better Late than Never; Part the Second

The Epic Continues! This time, Young Women Convert to Islam. H/T Mark Steyn (through his Ports Of Call, it was a British Newspaper. I'm sure you can Google it)

I recently read an interesting piece on young British women converting to Islam.  Of course, this piece doesnt so much speak to me of the virtues of Islam as it does the vices of modern feminism.  I've ranted on this before, but it's time for an update.

Better Late Than Never; Part the First

These were a couple of blog thoughts I came up with while at work a few weeks back.  Naturally, such things get derailed, but better late than never I suppose.  This one is on Israel and Hypocrisy. Enjoy!

Yet again, we are expected to express shock and horror as the Israeli
state uses violence against "peaceful activists".  Yet again, I am moved
only deeper into the pro-Israel camp.  Allow me to explain why, before
the inevitable cry of "Zionist!" fills the air.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Conrad Black Receives New Avenue for Appeal (Click for Link)

Conrad Black has received partial vindication today, and my feelings are mixed.  The Supreme Court, in a somewhat complex ruling, declared that the objection Lord Black raised against the final Jury Instructions was in fact valid.  I didn't follow the case closely enough to make my own call on his innocence, or not, but I will say this: something was rotten in the State of the Investigation.

Comments System Updated

I apologize for requiring you readers (all 3 of you) to become members of some sort before posting comments, but the slew of fortune cookie comments by random Chinese add agencies is irritating the hell out of me. That is all.

Another long absence, more Musings

More Stuff To think on, by Category.  Today's menu? Al Gore is Weird, shocking news such as water being wet at 11. General McChrystal is dismissed. Aqsa Parvez's killers go to jail.