Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sometimes I just Can't Help Myself. I have to Smack Morons

Alright, alright, I know I'm risking the wrath of my brother here, but I must comment once again, in a roundabout way, on Ann Coulter. I promise not to gush. Well, not excessively anyway.

The latest "it-girl" on the blogosphere (and now I go to wash with fire after using that phrase) is Meghan McCain, the daughter John wishes he never had. Seriously, this girl is frighteningly stupid. Now, I know that a lot of American conservatives are pointing out that John McCain finished badly at the Academy. Frankly, that doesn't have much to do with anything. John McCain was too busy dating strippers and Jumping the Wall to care about his ranking. Having experienced a US service academy, I can't say I blame him. Still, there is no excuse for the idiocy that is his daughter.

Take a gander at her blog. It is beyond comical that she gets tagged as having expertese in anything, let alone politics. Media? Well, maybe. Being addicted to publicity might qualify. I mean, like, really? She's upset that Arlen Specter left the party? All snarkiness aside, she really is a travesty being forced into the public sphere. You would think the daughter of two prominent public figures would be able to speak without sounding like a socialite from southern California.

Don't even get me started on her desire to morph the Republican Party into the Other Democratic Party. Oops, too late. Every one of her "arguments", assuming she bothers to make a point, is substantiated only by personal conjecture. Her assertions don't meet any aspect of the standard Parliamentary Debating test for veracity. None of her assertions are "commonly recognized fact". None of them are "easily demonstrable by basic research". They certainly aren't "conclusions based on rational premise". You can tell she hasn't a leg to stand on because she hasn't, that I am aware of, ever used the phrase "I think". It's always "I feel". Congratulations, you would be executed in the world of Equilibrium.

Apparently, this little tart had two tickets to the White House Correspondents' Dinner, and tried to get an extra guest in Paris Hilton Style. Also, for greater amusement value, she apparently thinks that she can oust Ann Coulter as the resident Republican Hottie.

That paragraph break was to give me time to recover from a near-terminal fit of laughter. Ann Coulter's physical appearance is convenient, but not necessary to her popularity. People don't flock to Rush Limbaugh for his looks; they do it because he is provocative and entertaining. Ann Coulter is popular because people agree with her. She's popular because she knows how to start a fight, and how to end it. She's popular because she writes with wit, humour, and a shocking degree of substantive evidence.

Humourously enough, Ann Coulter describes in excruciating detail how people like Meghan McCain become popular. The MSM just loves someone who claims to be Republican but has no idea what it actually means. Christopher Buckley's political views were of no interest until he endorsed President Obama. Now that he regrets his decision, he has receded into political obscurity. One can only hope the same will happen to Ms. McCain.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a fanboy. And I don't know about hot. I'd hit it, but I'd probably lie if asked about it.


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