Gentle readers (if you still exist), I apologize for being absent so long. Between moving, and a new course, I have been out of touch for quite a while. It would be pointless for me to try to jump right back into the scene, so instead I will do a bit of a musing roundup. There are a few issues which have caught my attention over these past few weeks, and deserve some attention even in passing.
Obama-Care: As I seem to have no access to "real media", I have no idea what propaganda the Televised President has been spouting. What I do know, however, is that the Democratic Congress has catastrophically overreached in their almost religious desire to ram a new health system down the collective American gullet. Frankly, it comes as no surprise to me that the Dems have ignored two crucial issues. The first, of course, being that the vast majority (between 60 and 80 percent, according to Rasmussen last I heard) of Americans are happy with their health care, which is why President Obama repeats that they can keep it. This is patently false, as in general it is employers that select health care providers. Employers can get more reasonable rates because they get large groups insured at the same time. Provide employers an opportunity to offload that cost to the taxpayer at large by offering a public option, and even if it isn't mandatory you can bet private insurers will get burned. Secondly, the Dems have underestimated just how furious the average American is that illegal immigrants will not be explicitly excluded from this option. The average American knows that the Hippocratic Oath means that even under the most ruthlessly capitalist plan, a Mexican migrant worker bleeding out from a lawn mower accident will get emergency care. What offends them is that this same worker can get pre- and post-natal care for his illegal children, asthma medication, and in some states even psychiatric care without paying taxes. The Dems are going to take a beating in the 2010 Congressionals.
Big Brother is Still Watching- Apparently, the Obama administration can't get enough of being invasive. First there was the "fishy" incident, then the interference with local policing. Now? Apparently the White House wants to be a Facebook/Twitter Nanny. Well, Mr Axelrod, you have my permission to Suck It. I'm Canadian, and I say your socialist President has gotten into the nasty habit of compiling lists and getting people to Name Names. Eerily familiar, no?
Apparently, Even Blacks are Racist if they Dislike Euro-style Mega-Government- Accuse the President of lying? You're a racist. Disagree with his policies because you think that government is generally a wasteful morass? Racist. Find the President's constant presence on the airwaves exactly the opposite of reassuring (shouldn't the man, I don't know, be executing his office perhaps)? Oooh, looks like you have a nasty case of racist. And if you're black? Well, you must be a self-loathing Uncle Tom. Funny that everyone is trying so desperately to protect the President from hurt feelings, while accusing Republicans of lowering the tone of the debate. You would think they would have done the same when a President with many Jewish friends and supporters was being compared to Hitler. Oh, no wait, he was white. Also, when ACORN activists were using government money to teach pimps how to run brothels and escape IRS attention, it was all in the name of a more accurate (read: pro-Dem) census.
And I haven't even started on the latest capitulations to Jihadism. I'm reading "Surrender" by Bawer right now. It makes me sad. Who will stand for freedom when America doesn't?
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