Saturday, October 31, 2009

Continued Absenteeism and Musings

I can only imagine at this point that my readership must be zero. Alas. Anyway, sporadic updates will be forthcoming. When I feel like it. Life comes first, as always.

For those of you not in the know, you should head over to The Other McCain for some truly excellent reportage on the NY-23rd. It really does look to be a watershed moment in American politics. If I may, I'd like to give an outsider's perspective on it. The fact of the matter is that American politics have never officially been two-party, but in effect it has evolved as such. Canadian politics has always been a game of balance of power. While not to the coalition-building degree of other parliamentary democracies, Canadian parties require the assistance of other parties to get things done. Majority Governments, while gaining a majority of seats, almost never have a majority of the vote. Thus the continued existence, and dare I say relevance, of the NDP and more importantly the Bloc Québécois. What Doug Hoffman may be creating is a crucial Third Party in the US. The Northeastern wing of the Republican party is packed with RINOs, it really is. Understandably, conservative voters continue to vote Republican because the NRCC and NRSC keep feeding them garbage about electability and moderation.

It's crap.

Here in Canada, we had the Reform Party. They went from a marginal voice in the wilderness party, decrying the lack of true conservatism, to the driving force of the ruling party. This is not to say that Alberta Reformers drive policy. The Conservative Party of Canada still governs to the left of their hardest workers. While not ideal, they still govern firmly to the right of previous parties. Reformers, over a period of about 10 years, managed to drag the faltering Conservative movement back to the right where it belongs. This is the real opportunity Hoffman in the NY-23rd represents. The Tea-Party/Conservative movement needs to hold out. Resist the urge to be folded into the Republican party. If the Republicans keep going the way they are going, their leadership will suffer the same fate as Joe Clark. Elect your representatives. Start nibbling away at RINO seats. Steal from the Blue Dogs. I can guarantee you, if over 2 or 3 electoral cycles, Americans start seeing representatives with the tag (C-NY) and (C-AZ) and even (C-CA), the Republican party will sit up and take notice.

So Stacy, listen up- from a man who grew up with no conservative alternative to having voted for the first real Conservative in power since 1954- keep following the Hoffmans. Use your connections to encourage charismatic new conservatives to run against Republicans. It will pay off. One day, the DNC will wake up and realize that they aren't facing an elephant anymore; a tiger will be at the door.

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